14.12.2013 Adventní klubová výstava Brno, rozhodčí Elaine Thomas (UK)

...Gold v akci...



Quality Black Sant Tulip (tř. otevřená) - V1, CAC

"Excelent mouth, super bone and feet, good ribs and chest, good shoulder, really good ribcage - nice and deep, well balanced dog, ig. coat, excelent movement, strong in rear."



Quality Golden Sant Tulip (tř. vítězů) - V3

"More width to his face, good bone, nice shape to his forechest, good chest, good bone, balanced type of dog, front movement OK, better with less coat, rear movement excelent."



I Am Black Sant Tulip (tř. čestná) - V2

"Lovely head, gentle expression, good type, very good bone, lovely feet, prefere better shoulder placement, little bit heavy, very balanced. I like her type. MOves narrow behind, wide in front.

Cindy Palima


I Am Black Sant Tulip

Quality Golden Sant Tulip

Quality Black Sant Tulip